Source code for glow.gwas.log_reg

from pyspark.sql.types import ArrayType, BooleanType, StringType, StructField, DataType, StructType
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Dict, Union
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from pyspark.sql import DataFrame, SparkSession
import statsmodels.api as sm
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typeguard import typechecked
from nptyping import Float, NDArray
from scipy import stats
import opt_einsum as oe
from . import functions as gwas_fx
from . import approx_firth as af
from .functions import _VALUES_COLUMN_NAME
from ..wgr.wgr_functions import reshape_for_gwas

__all__ = ['logistic_regression']

correction_none = 'none'
correction_approx_firth = 'approx-firth'

[docs]@typechecked def logistic_regression(genotype_df: DataFrame, phenotype_df: pd.DataFrame, covariate_df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame({}), offset_df: pd.DataFrame = pd.DataFrame({}), correction: str = correction_approx_firth, pvalue_threshold: float = 0.05, contigs: Optional[List[str]] = None, add_intercept: bool = True, values_column: str = 'values', dt: type = np.float64) -> DataFrame: ''' Uses logistic regression to test for association between genotypes and one or more binary phenotypes. This is a distributed version of the method from regenie: Implementation details: On the driver node, we fit a logistic regression model based on the covariates for each phenotype: .. math:: logit(y) \sim C where :math:`y` is a phenotype vector and :math:`C` is the covariate matrix. We compute the probability predictions :math:`\hat{y}` and broadcast the residuals (:math:`y - \hat{y}`), :math:`\gamma` vectors (where :math:`\gamma = \hat{y} * (1 - \hat{y})`), and :math:`(C^\intercal \gamma C)^{-1}` matrices. In each task, we then adjust the new genotypes based on the null fit, perform a score test as a fast scan for potentially significant variants, and then test variants with p-values below a threshold using a more selective, more expensive test. Args: genotype_df : Spark DataFrame containing genomic data phenotype_df : Pandas DataFrame containing phenotypic data covariate_df : An optional Pandas DataFrame containing covariates offset_df : An optional Pandas DataFrame containing the phenotype offset. This value will be used as an offset in the covariate only and per variant logistic regression models. The ``offset_df`` may have one or two levels of indexing. If one level, the index should be the same as the ``phenotype_df``. If two levels, the level 0 index should be the same as the ``phenotype_df``, and the level 1 index should be the contig name. The two level index scheme allows for per-contig offsets like LOCO predictions from GloWGR. correction : Which test to use for variants that meet a significance threshold for the score test. Supported methods are ``none`` and ``approx-firth``. pvalue_threshold : Variants with a pvalue below this threshold will be tested using the ``correction`` method. contigs : When using LOCO offsets, this parameter indicates the contigs to analyze. You can use this parameter to limit the size of the broadcasted data, which may be necessary with large sample sizes. If this parameter is omitted, the contigs are inferred from the ``offset_df``. add_intercept : Whether or not to add an intercept column to the covariate DataFrame values_column : A column name or column expression to test with linear regression. If a column name is provided, ``genotype_df`` should have a column with this name and a numeric array type. If a column expression is provided, the expression should return a numeric array type. dt : The numpy datatype to use in the linear regression test. Must be ``np.float32`` or ``np.float64``. Returns: A Spark DataFrame that contains - All columns from ``genotype_df`` except the ``values_column`` and the ``genotypes`` column if one exists - ``effect``: The effect size (if approximate Firth correction was applied) - ``stderror``: Standard error of the effect size (if approximate Firth correction was applied) - ``correctionSucceeded``: Whether the correction succeeded (if the correction test method is not ``none``). ``True`` if succeeded, ``False`` if failed, ``null`` if correction was not applied. - ``chisq``: The chi squared test statistic according to the score test or the correction method - ``pvalue``: p-value estimated from the test statistic - ``phenotype``: The phenotype name as determined by the column names of ``phenotype_df`` ''' spark = genotype_df.sql_ctx.sparkSession gwas_fx._check_spark_version(spark) gwas_fx._validate_covariates_and_phenotypes(covariate_df, phenotype_df, is_binary=True) sql_type = gwas_fx._regression_sql_type(dt) genotype_df = gwas_fx._prepare_genotype_df(genotype_df, values_column, sql_type) base_result_fields = [ StructField('chisq', sql_type), StructField('pvalue', sql_type), StructField('phenotype', StringType()) ] if correction == correction_approx_firth: result_fields = [ StructField('effect', sql_type), StructField('stderror', sql_type), StructField('correctionSucceeded', BooleanType()) ] + base_result_fields elif correction == correction_none: result_fields = base_result_fields else: raise ValueError( f"Only supported correction methods are '{correction_none}' and '{correction_approx_firth}'" ) result_struct = gwas_fx._output_schema(genotype_df.schema.fields, result_fields) C = covariate_df.to_numpy(dt, copy=True) if add_intercept: C = gwas_fx._add_intercept(C, phenotype_df.shape[0]) Y = phenotype_df.to_numpy(dt, copy=True) Y_mask = ~(np.isnan(Y)) np.nan_to_num(Y, copy=False) if correction == correction_approx_firth: Q = np.linalg.qr(C)[0] else: Q = None state = _create_log_reg_state(spark, phenotype_df, offset_df, sql_type, C, correction, add_intercept, contigs) phenotype_names = phenotype_df.columns.to_series().astype('str') def map_func(pdf_iterator): for pdf in pdf_iterator: yield gwas_fx._loco_dispatch(pdf, state, _logistic_regression_inner, C, Y, Y_mask, Q, correction, pvalue_threshold, phenotype_names) return genotype_df.mapInPandas(map_func, result_struct)
@dataclass class LogRegState: inv_CtGammaC: NDArray[(Any, Any, Any), Float] # n_phenotypes x n_covariates x n_covariates gamma: NDArray[(Any, Any), Float] # n_samples x n_phenotypes Y_res: NDArray[(Any, Any), Float] # n_samples x n_phenotypes firth_offset: Optional[NDArray[(Any, Any), Float]] # n_samples x n_phenotypes def _logistic_null_model_predictions(y, X, mask, offset): if offset is not None: offset = offset[mask] model = sm.GLM(y[mask], X[mask, :], family=sm.families.Binomial(), offset=offset, missing='ignore') fit_result = predictions = model.predict(fit_result.params) # Store 0 as prediction for samples with missing phenotypes remapped_predictions = np.zeros(y.shape) remapped_predictions[mask] = predictions return remapped_predictions def _prepare_one_phenotype(C: NDArray[(Any, Any), Float], row: pd.Series, correction: str, includes_intercept: bool) -> pd.Series: ''' Creates the broadcasted information for one (phenotype, offset) pair. The returned series contains the information eventually stored in a LogRegState. This function accepts and returns a pandas series for integration with Pandas UDFs and pd.DataFrame.apply. ''' y = row['values'] mask = ~np.isnan(y) offset = row.get('offset') y_pred = _logistic_null_model_predictions(y, C, mask, offset) y_res = np.nan_to_num(y - y_pred) gamma = y_pred * (1 - y_pred) CtGammaC = C.T @ (gamma[:, None] * C) inv_CtGammaC = np.linalg.inv(CtGammaC) row.label = str(row.label) # Ensure that the phenotype name is a string row.drop(['values', 'offset'], inplace=True, errors='ignore') row['y_res'], row['gamma'], row['inv_CtGammaC'] = np.ravel(y_res), np.ravel(gamma), np.ravel( inv_CtGammaC) if correction == correction_approx_firth: row['firth_offset'] = np.ravel( af.perform_null_firth_fit(y, C, mask, offset, includes_intercept)) return row @typechecked def _pdf_to_log_reg_state(pdf: pd.DataFrame, phenotypes: pd.Series, n_covar: int) -> LogRegState: ''' Converts a Pandas DataFrame with the contents of a LogRegState object into a more convenient form. ''' # Ensure that the null fit state is sorted identically to the input phenotype_df sorted_pdf = pdf.set_index('label').reindex(phenotypes, axis='rows') inv_CtGammaC = np.row_stack(sorted_pdf['inv_CtGammaC'].array).reshape( phenotypes.size, n_covar, n_covar) gamma = np.column_stack(sorted_pdf['gamma'].array) Y_res = np.column_stack(sorted_pdf['y_res'].array) if 'firth_offset' in sorted_pdf: firth_offset = np.column_stack(sorted_pdf['firth_offset'].array) else: firth_offset = None return LogRegState(inv_CtGammaC, gamma, Y_res, firth_offset) # @typechecked -- typeguard does not support numpy array def _create_log_reg_state( spark: SparkSession, phenotype_df: pd.DataFrame, offset_df: pd.DataFrame, sql_type: DataType, C: NDArray[(Any, Any), Float], correction: str, add_intercept: bool, contigs: Optional[List[str]]) -> Union[LogRegState, Dict[str, LogRegState]]: ''' Creates the broadcasted LogRegState object (or one object per contig if LOCO offsets were provided). Fitting the null logistic models can be expensive, so the work is distributed across the cluster using Pandas UDFs. ''' offset_type = gwas_fx._validate_offset(phenotype_df, offset_df) if offset_type == gwas_fx._OffsetType.LOCO_OFFSET and contigs is not None: offset_df = offset_df.loc[pd.IndexSlice[:, contigs], :] pivoted_phenotype_df = reshape_for_gwas(spark, phenotype_df) result_fields = [ StructField('label', StringType()), StructField('y_res', ArrayType(sql_type)), StructField('gamma', ArrayType(sql_type)), StructField('inv_CtGammaC', ArrayType(sql_type)) ] if correction == correction_approx_firth: result_fields.append(StructField('firth_offset', ArrayType(sql_type))) if offset_type == gwas_fx._OffsetType.NO_OFFSET: df = pivoted_phenotype_df else: pivoted_offset_df = reshape_for_gwas(spark, offset_df).withColumnRenamed('values', 'offset') df = pivoted_offset_df.join(pivoted_phenotype_df, on='label') if offset_type == gwas_fx._OffsetType.LOCO_OFFSET: result_fields.append(StructField('contigName', StringType())) def map_func(pdf_iterator): for pdf in pdf_iterator: yield pdf.apply(lambda r: _prepare_one_phenotype(C, r, correction, add_intercept), axis='columns', result_type='expand') pdf = df.mapInPandas(map_func, StructType(result_fields)).toPandas() phenotypes = phenotype_df.columns.to_series().astype('str') n_covar = C.shape[1] if offset_type != gwas_fx._OffsetType.LOCO_OFFSET: state = _pdf_to_log_reg_state(pdf, phenotypes, n_covar) return state all_contigs = pdf['contigName'].unique() return { contig: _pdf_to_log_reg_state(pdf.loc[pdf.contigName == contig, :], phenotypes, n_covar) for contig in all_contigs } def _logistic_residualize(X: NDArray[(Any, Any), Float], C: NDArray[(Any, Any), Float], Y_mask: NDArray[(Any, Any), bool], gamma: NDArray[(Any, Any), Float], inv_CtGammaC: NDArray[(Any, Any), Float]) -> NDArray[(Any, Any), Float]: ''' Residualize the genotype vectors given the null model predictions. X_res = X - C(C.T gamma C)^-1 C.T gamma X ''' X_hat = gwas_fx._einsum('ic,pcd,ds,sp,sg,sp->igp', C, inv_CtGammaC, C.T, gamma, X, Y_mask) return X[:, :, None] - X_hat def _logistic_regression_inner(genotype_pdf: pd.DataFrame, log_reg_state: LogRegState, C: NDArray[(Any, Any), Float], Y: NDArray[(Any, Any), Float], Y_mask: NDArray[(Any, Any), bool], Q: Optional[NDArray[(Any, Any), Float]], correction: str, pvalue_threshold: float, phenotype_names: pd.Series) -> pd.DataFrame: ''' Tests a block of genotypes for association with binary traits. We first residualize the genotypes based on the null model fit, then perform a fast score test to check for possible significance. We use semantic indices for the einsum expressions: s, i: sample (or individual) g: genotype p: phenotype c, d: covariate ''' X = np.column_stack(genotype_pdf[_VALUES_COLUMN_NAME].array) # For approximate Firth correction, we perform a linear residualization if correction == correction_approx_firth: X = gwas_fx._residualize_in_place(X, Q) with oe.shared_intermediates(): X_res = _logistic_residualize(X, C, Y_mask, log_reg_state.gamma, log_reg_state.inv_CtGammaC) num = gwas_fx._einsum('sgp,sp->pg', X_res, log_reg_state.Y_res)**2 denom = gwas_fx._einsum('sgp,sgp,sp->pg', X_res, X_res, log_reg_state.gamma) chisq = np.ravel(num / denom) p_values = stats.chi2.sf(chisq, 1) del genotype_pdf[_VALUES_COLUMN_NAME] out_df = pd.concat([genotype_pdf] * log_reg_state.Y_res.shape[1]) out_df['chisq'] = list(np.ravel(chisq)) out_df['pvalue'] = list(np.ravel(p_values)) out_df['phenotype'] = phenotype_names.repeat(genotype_pdf.shape[0]).tolist() if correction != correction_none: out_df['correctionSucceeded'] = None correction_indices = list(np.where(out_df['pvalue'] < pvalue_threshold)[0]) if correction == correction_approx_firth: out_df['effect'] = np.nan out_df['stderror'] = np.nan for correction_idx in correction_indices: snp_idx = correction_idx % X.shape[1] pheno_idx = int(correction_idx / X.shape[1]) approx_firth_snp_fit = af.correct_approx_firth( X[:, snp_idx], Y[:, pheno_idx], log_reg_state.firth_offset[:, pheno_idx], Y_mask[:, pheno_idx]) if approx_firth_snp_fit is None: out_df.correctionSucceeded.iloc[correction_idx] = False else: out_df.correctionSucceeded.iloc[correction_idx] = True out_df.effect.iloc[correction_idx] = approx_firth_snp_fit.effect out_df.stderror.iloc[correction_idx] = approx_firth_snp_fit.stderror out_df.chisq.iloc[correction_idx] = approx_firth_snp_fit.chisq out_df.pvalue.iloc[correction_idx] = approx_firth_snp_fit.pvalue return out_df